2011-09-18 |
2011-09-13 |
2011-09-04 |
2011-08-17 |
2011-08-02 |
2011-07-23 |
2011-07-22 |
 | Our J-litter was born on July
20th, 2011. Added pages for the litter. |
 | Elin was neutered on June 28, 2011. |
2011-02-26 |
2011-01-01 |
2010-11-27 |
S*Sunnygirl's Ida has moved to Marie
in Vendelsö |
2010-11-20 |
2010-10-31 |
2010-09-25 |
2010-09-19 |
2010-07-17 |
2010-07-16 |
Due to a lot of work and a number of other things I have not
had time to update our site so frequently. Here comes some major happenings
since last update. More updates will follow shortly.
 | We have been to a number of shows since last update:
- S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl;
- took her 6th CAPS at Stockholm Kattklubb's Show on
- took her 7th CAPS at NORAK's show in Oslo on 2010-03-20,
she also became BIV, was NOMinated
and became BIS-K!
- took her 8th CAPS at NORAK's show in Oslo on 2010-03-21,
she was also NOMinated and got one vote in
- took her 9th CAPS at Birka Kattklubb's show on 2010-04-03,
she was also NOMinated.
- took her 10th CAPS at Perserkatten's show on 2010-04-24,
she was also NOMinated.
- S*Sunnygirl's David took his 3rd
CAP at Birka Kattklubb's show on
2010-03-13 and thus became Premier.
- S*Sunnygirl's Elin
took her 3rd CACIB at Stockholm Kattklubb's show
on 2010-03-13 and thus became International Champion.
- S*Sunnygirl's Emilia;
- took her 7th CAGCIB at NORAK's show in Oslo on 2010-03-20
- took her 8th CAGCIB at NORAK's show in Oslo on 2010-03-21
and thus became Grand International Champion.
- S*Sunnygirl's Enzo;
- took HP and was NOMinated at NORAK's
show in Oslo on
- took HP, became BIV and was NOMinated at
NORAK's show
in Oslo on 2010-03-21 |
 | We have HCM tested some cats on 2010-02-22, all with Normal status:
- IC S*Sunnygirl's Elin
- GIC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia
- SC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo |
2010-02-14 |
2010-02-06 |
2010-01-25 |
2009-12-23 |
2009-10-26 |
2009-09-28 |
2009-09-22 |
2009-09-02 |
2009-08-18 |
2009-08-12 |
2009-08-02 |
2009-08-01 |
2009-07-28 |
2009-07-27 |
2009-07-21 |
2009-07-14 |
 | New photos and weights of our
G-litter. |
 | Interest shown for S*Sunnygirl's Gabriel. |
2009-06-30 |
2009-06-22 |
2009-06-14 |
Our G-litter was born
2009-06-11/12. |
2009-06-07 |
It has been a long time between updates now mostly because
my father has been sick and needed my time and that I also am busy packing
up my parents former home. Finally here comes some updates that has been
long due:
 | Added show results from Hälsingekatten's show in Bollnäs during the
weekend 2009-05-23 - 24 for:
- S*Sunnygirl's Elin,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo
- IP IC S*Ulabrands
- Sunnyboy's son Amos |
 | Added show results from Skogkattklubben Birka's show in Märsta
2009-05-17 for:
- GIC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo
PR IC S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl (got her IP-title). |
 | Added show results from Speedcats show in Märsta 2009-05-02 for:
IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
- IC
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo (got his GIC-title)
- PR IC S*Ulabrands
Sunnygirl. |
 | Added show results from Kattklubben Klösets show in Surahammar
2009-04-18 for:
- S*Sunnygirl's David
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo. |
 | Added photos of (thanks Mikaela for the help with some of them):
- IP/EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy,
- IP/IC S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl,
- GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza,
- GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen,
- S*Sunnygirl's Bianca,
- S*Sunnygirl's Charles,
- IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
- GIC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo,
- S*Sunnygirl's Frans,
- S*Sunnygirl's Fredrika,
- S*Sunnygirl's Frida,
- Group photos of F-litter,
- group photos from 2008 and
- Sunnyboy's son Amos
- S*Sunnygirl's Augusta's offspring S*Englaflickorna's
Bolero and Toledo
- S*Sunnygirl's Daisys offspring S*Jamaloss
Hassan Halvdansk and Humla Bzz |
 | S*Sunnygirl's Bianca and
S*Sunnygirl's Frans neutered on 2009-06-04. |
 | Modified our plans, if all goes well we are expecting kittens soon.. |
2009-03-30 |
Added show results from Stockholms Kattklubb (2009-03-15)
and NORAK (2009-03-21 - 22) for S*Sunnygirl's Elin,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia, IC
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo, S*Sunnygirl's Frida,
S*Sunnygirl's Fredrika, IP
EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy, PR IC S*Ulabrands
Sunnygirl and Sunnyboy's daughter Ajca.
CH S*Sunnygirl's Bertha has been neutered.
CH S*Sunnygirl's Claes has got his third litter.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Charles,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo,
S*Sunnygirl's Frans,
S*Sunnygirl's Fredrika, CH
S*Sunnygirl's Claes's third litter and some from
his first litter. |
2009-03-01 |
New photos of CH S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel
received from Harriet.
New photos of S*Sunnygirl's Augusta and old photos
from her time at S*Englaflickornas. |
2009-02-22 |
Added photos of F-litter.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Albert,
CH S*Sunnygirl's Bertha,
S*Sunnygirl's Bianca,
GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza,
IP CH S*Sunnygirl's Carl,
GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen,
S*Sunnygirl's Charles,
S*Sunnygirl's David,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo, IP
EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy, IC
S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl and group photos.
S*Sunnygirl's Augusta has moved back home to us.
HCM tests for S*Sunnygirl's Augusta,
S*Sunnygirl's David,
S*Sunnygirl's Elin and IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
all Normal. |
2009-02-14 |
Added weights and photos of F-litter.
Freja and Frida has moved to their new homes.
HCM-tested S*Sunnygirl's Albert,
S*Sunnygirl's Bianca, IP CH
S*Sunnygirl's Carl, S*Sunnygirl's Charles and
IP EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy, all Normal.
Added show results from Nerikes Kattklubb's show in Örebro on February 1,
2009 for S*Sunnygirl's David,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo, IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia
and IC S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl. |
2009-01-24 |
Added weights and photos of F-litter.
Sunnyboy's daughter Tassemarkens Eartha Kitt
in his litter with Tassemarkens Peggy Sue has moved to
ReyjaS Cats. |
2009-01-18 |
Freja is booked. |
2009-01-16 |
Added photos of F-litter
and photos of CH S*Sunnygirl's Bertha,
S*Sunnygirl's Charles and S*Sunnygirl's Elin, |
2009-01-13 |
HCM tested GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza,
GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen and IC
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo, all with Normal status.
Modified our Plans. |
2009-01-12 |
Frida is booked. |
2009-01-11 |
Added weights for F-litter.
No 9 week photos of F-litter due to lack of time when my Father has been
very ill during last week. We will try to get 10 week photos soon instead. |
2009-01-07 |
Added weights and photos of F-litter
and photos of S*Sunnygirl's Elin,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo,
IP/EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy and a
group photo. |
2008-12-27 |
Added weights and photos of F-litter
(mostly in groups playing).
Added a photo of CH S*Sunnygirl's Bertha. |
2008-12-22 |
Added weights and photos of F-litter.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's David,
S*Sunnygirl's Charles,
S*Sunnygirl's Elin,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo and group photos. |
2008-12-13 |
Added results from Skogkattklubben Birka's show at Solvalla
on December 6 for IC S*Sunnygirl's
Emilia and IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo.
Added photos and weights of F-litter and photos
of IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo. |
2008-11-24 |
Added photos and weights of F-litter. |
2008-11-16 |
Added photos and weights of F-litter.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's David,
S*Sunnygirl's Elin,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo and IP/EC
S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Augusta's
second litter from my visit 2008-11-12. |
2008-11-13 |
Added photos of Sunnyboy's son
Amos. |
2008-11-10 |
Added new photos and weights of
Added photos of Bertha,
Sunnyboy and
group photos. |
2008-11-03 |
S*Sunnygirl's Bertha's first litter, our
F-litter, was born on 2008-11-01.
Added photos from Amorina's and
Ajca's visit to us 2008-10-11 - 12.
Added photos of Tassemarkens Earl Grey's
litter from our visit 2008-10-19 to S*Kvarnstugans (Earl Grey is
son to our Sunnyboy). |
2008-10-27 |
Added results from Speedcats show in Rissne 2008-10-18 for
IP/EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy,
IP/CH S*Sunnygirl's Carl,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia and
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo.
S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel took his
Champion-title at Östkattens show in Norrköping 2008-10-04. |
2008-10-10 |
Added show results from Vestfold Rasekattklubb 2008-09-27
and 28 for IP CH S*Sunnygirl's Carl,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo and
IP EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy.
Added GSD IV test results for IP CH S*Ulabrands
Sunnyboy, IC S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl,
GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza, GIC
S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen, S*Sunnygirl's Elin,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia and IC
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo, all GSD IV negative.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Albert,
CH S*Sunnygirl's Bertha,
S*Sunnygirl's Bianca,
IP/CH S*Sunnygirl's Carl,
S*Sunnygirl's Charles,
S*Sunnygirl's David,
S*Sunnygirl's Elin,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
IC S*Sunnygirl's Enzo,
S*Sunnygirl's Elias,
IP/EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy,
IC S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl and some
group photos. |
2008-09-20 |
Added photo of S*Sunnygirl's Daisy
from May 2008. |
2008-09-18 |
Added photos of PR CH
S*Sunnygirl's Carl's litter with S*Pysida's Diva,
CH S*Sunnygirl's Claes's litter with Calippo,
Sunnyboy's daughters Ayla and
Ajca with
S*Våra Egna's Amorina, GIC
S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza, GIC
S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen, CH
S*Sunnygirl's Bertha,
S*Sunnygirl's Charles, S*Sunnygirl's Daisy,
S*Sunnygirl's David,
S*Sunnygirl's Elin,
CH S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
CH S*Sunnygirl's Enzo,
PR EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy, IC
S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl, and group photos 2008. |
2008-09-10 |
Added show results from Mellan Svenska Kattklubben's show in
Eskilstuna on September 6 for Ayla,
PR CH S*Sunnygirl's Carl,
S*Sunnygirl's Daisy,
S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel, S*Cazmirau's
Sparkling Sunshine, CH
S*Sunnygirl's Emilia and PR EC
S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy. |
2008-09-05 |
Added photos of Sunnyboy's son
Tassemarkens Earl Grey,
S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel,
Carl's litter with S*Kukkudrilla's Calippo
and Sunnyboy's daughter Ajca from his
litter with S*Våra Egna's Amorina. |
2008-08-26 |
Added results from Mälarkattens show on Sunday August 24 for
PR CH S*Sunnygirl's Carl, CH
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo, S*Sunnygirl's Daisy
and PR EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy who also took his
PR-title at the show. |
2008-08-10 |
Added results from Kattklubben Klösets show on Saturday
August 9 for
CH S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
CH S*Sunnygirl's Enzo,
EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy and
Ayla. |
2008-07-29 |
Added results from City Cat Clubs show on Saturday July 26
for PR & CH S*Sunnygirl's Carl,
CH S*Sunnygirl's Claes,
S*Sunnygirl's Daisy, S*Sunnygirl's
Emilia and CH S*Sunnygirl's Enzo,
. |
2008-07-16 |
Elin has moved back home to us due to
allergies in her family. Added photos of her on her own
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Claes litter with S*Kukkudrilla's Calippo.
Added link to homepage where Ayla lives. |
2008-07-15 |
Added show results from Järva Kattklubbs show on July 12 and
13 for S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel,
S*Sunnygirl's Claes and Sunnyboy's daughter
Ajca and our cats
S*Sunnygirl's Emilia, CH
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo and
EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel and
S*Sunnygirl's Claes and our cats
GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza,
GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen,
EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy and
CH S*Sunnygirl's Enzo. |
2008-07-11 |
Added photo of S*Sunnygirl's Carl's and S*Pysida's Diva's
litter. |
2008-07-08 |
Added photos of S*Sunygirl's Claes
and his litter with S*Kukkudrilla's Calippo. |
2008-07-07 |
Added show results from Värmlands Kattklubbs show on June 28
-29 for S*Sunnygirl's Carl,
S*Sunnygirl's Emilia and
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Carl,
S*Sunnygirl's Charles,
S*Sunnygirl's David,
S*Sunnygirl's Emilia,
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo and
group photos.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Anthonia and
her litter. |
2008-06-22 |
CH S*Sunnygirl's Carl's third and last litter was born on
June 19. |
2008-06-21 |
IC S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl and EC S*Ulabrands Sunnboy are 4
years old. |
2008-06-16 |
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Claes
and his second litter (lives at S*Kukkudrilla's)
and of S*Sunnygirl's Carl's second litter
(lives at S*Cazmirau's). |
2008-06-15 |
Added show results from Nerikes Kattklubb's show during June
7 and 8 for GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza,
GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen,
EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy,
S*Sunnygirl's Enzo and
S*Sunnygirl's Dagmar. |
2008-05-27 |
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Daisy.
Added photos of Carl's litter with S*Glimra's
Added photos of Carl's litter with S*Cazmirau's
Sparkling Emerald.
Added photos of Ajca.
Added photos of Sunnyboy
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Claes litters
with S*Kukkudrilla's Calippo and
S*Kukkudrilla's Bonanza.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Anthonia's
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel from
Alphakatten's show.
Added info about S*Sunnygirl's Arthur's
litter and S*Sunygirl's Augusta's
Added some new links on the Links page.
Amos has moved to his new owners. |
2008-05-17 |
Added photos of Amos, the
last ones before he moves. |
2008-05-15 |
Added show results from Speedcats show 2008-05-10 - 11 for
Cajza, Carl,
Enzo and Claes.
Carl was neutered on 2008-05-12.
Added photos of Amos and
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Daniel.
Added photos of Albert,
Sunnygirl, and
group photos. |
2008-05-01 |
Added show results from Perserkattens show for
Cajza, Carl,
Emilia and
Added new photos of Amos. |
2008-04-10 |
S*Sunnygirl's Carl's second litter
was born on April 3, 2008. The mother is S*Cazmirau's Sparkling Emerald.
Alice has moved to her new home. |
2008-03-31 |
Added photos of Amorina's kittens
Alice and
Added photos of Bertha,
Enzo and
Sunnygirl. |
2008-03-29 |
Alice booked. |
2008-03-25 |
Added photos of our cats
Bertha, Cajza,
Sunnygirl and
group photos.
Added photo of S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel.
Added photos of Ayla,
Alice and
Amos. |
2008-03-24 |
Results from Stockholms Kattklubb's show in Rissne in
Stockholm for Cajza,
Enzo and Claes.
S*Jamaloss litter between
S*Glimra's Capella and our S*Sunnygirl's Carl have now got their names.
Added photo of S*Sunnygirl's Daisy.
Added photos of S*Skogsälvans
Linblomma's first litter.
Updated weights of my cats. |
2008-03-16 |
Amos moved back home due to that the dog in his new home did
not accept him.
Added photos of Amorina and her kittens
Ajca, Alice
and Amos.
Added photos of Sunnyboy,
Enzo and group
photos. |
2008-03-13 |
Added new photos of Amorinas
litter (Ajca,
Alice and
Added new group photos and photos of
Bianca. |
2008-03-12 |
S*Sunnygirl's Carl got his first litter together with S*Glimra's
Capella. |
2008-03-05 |
Added photos of Amorinas
litter, Ajca,
Alice and
S*Sunnygirl's Bertha and
Bianca tested negative for FIV/FeLV.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Bertha,
David, Emanuel,
Sunnygirl and
group photos. |
2008-02-26 |
S*Sunnygirl's Bertha and
Bianca HCM-tested normal. |
2008-02-25 |
Amos is booked. |
2008-02-24 |
Added new photos of Ajca,
Alice, Amos,
group photos and their mother Amorina.
Emilia has got her own set of pages.
Added photos of Bertha,
Sunnyboy and
group photos. |
2008-02-22 |
Ayla has moved. Added new photos of
Ayla, Ajca,
Alice, Amos
and group photos. |
2008-02-08 |
Added new photos of
Albert, Bertha,
David, Emilia,
Sunnyboy and
group photos.
Added new photos and weights of Amorina's litter. |
2008-02-03 |
Added show results from Järva Kattklubb's show on Sunday
February 2, 2008. Participating cats; S*Sunnygril's
Carl, Claes,
Daisy, Emilia and
Added new photos of 5 months old S*Sunnygirl's Elias
received from Eva. |
2008-02-01 |
Added show results from Nerikes Kattklubb 2008-01-26 for
Enzo and Emilia. |
2008-01-23 |
Added new photos of S*Sunnygirl's
Emanuel. |
2008-01-21 |
New photos added of Amorina's
litter from our visit to Idöborg January 20, 2008.
Added new photos of
Bertha, Cajza,
David, Emilia,
Enzo and Group Photos. |
2008-01-13 |
Added photos received from S*Sunnygirl's
Anthonia's owners.
New photo of Linblomma's litter on Index page. |
2008-01-06 |
Added new photos of
S*Skogsälvans Lina Lo, daughter to Sunnyboy. |
2008-01-05 |
Added new photos of S*Sunnygirl's Elias
received from Eva at (N) Satyr's. |
2008-01-03 |
Added Enzo's own pages under Males.
Added photos and information about Amorinas
litter with Sunnyboy. Added contact information as the kittens are for
sale. |
2007-12-30 |
EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy is now neutered and also his son
S*Sunnygirl's Charles. Rearranged pages
Added new photos of Carmen,
Emilia and group photos.
Added photo of Carmen and Cajza's mother GIP &
CH S*Migör's Vilda Vanessa in Carmen and Cajza's pedigrees. We would at
the same time like to congratulate Vanessa to her GIP-title. |
2007-12-29 |
Added pedigrees for Sunnyboy's litters with other females
listed under his offspring page. |
2007-12-27 |
Added photo of S*Sunnygirl's Augusta
approx. 2 years old. |
2007-12-26 |
Added photo of S*Sunnygirl's Anthonia
approx. 2 years old. |
2007-12-25 |
Added info about NORAK's show and Alfakatten's show in
Added photos of Elin in her new home and
Elias from the NORAK Oslo show.
Added photos of Enzo, Emilia
and group photos of E-litter.
Added photos of Sunnyboy,
David and group
photos of several cats. |
2007-12-24 |
Added info about S*Sunnygirl's Claes first kittens at S*Kukkudrilla's.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Claes on his page.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel in his new
home. |
2007-12-23 |
Added photos of Elin, Emanuel and the litter at Birka's
Added info from Skogkattklubben Birka's show on December 1, 2007. |
2007-12-22 |
Added info and photos of
S*Skogsälvans Linblomma's litter and
S*Våra Egna's Amorina's litter. |
2007-12-19 |
Added results from Alfakatten's show 2007-12-15 for Cajza
and Sunnyboy.
Added results from NORAK's show 2007-12-08 - 09 for Cajza, Carmen and
Sunnyboy. Sunnyboy got his EC-title!
Added results from Skogkattklubben Birka's show 2007-12-01 for Sunnygirl and
her E-litter. E-litter BIS!
Updated with new homes for E-litter.
Added weights at 14 and 15 weeks for E-litter. |
2007-11-27 |
Elin is booked. Added new photos of
E-litter an d weights at 13 weeks.
Added photos of Carl. |
2007-11-26 |
Added "Interest" for Elin and Emilia. |
2007-11-21 |
Added "Interest" for Elias. |
2007-11-16 |
Added weights for E-litter at 12 weeks.
Added photos of E-litter, Thank you Jaana and
Anders for the help to take the photos. |
2007-11-11 |
Added results from Stockholms Kattklubbs show in Rissne
Stockholm during weekend 2007-11-10 - 11 for
S*Sunnygirl's Carl, S*Sunnygirl's
Charles and S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy. |
2007-11-09 |
Added weights for E-litter at 11 weeks. |
2007-11-07 |
S*Sunnygirl's Emanuel booked.
Added weights for E-litter at 10 weeks.
Added photos of E-litter.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Arthur from my visit
with him and his family.
Added photos of S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza,
S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen and
S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy.
Added test results for S*Sunnygirl's Carl.
David has got his own set of pages. |
2007-11-06 |
Show results from Solbergelva in Norway for
GIC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy,
IC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza and
Carmen. Carmen got her Grand International
Champion title. |
2007-10-28 |
Added weights and photos of E-litter.
S*Sunnygirl's Emilia no longer booked due to sudden sickness in the intended
Added photos of Carmen. |
2007-10-16 |
S*Sunnygirl's Emilia from our
E-litter is booked. |
2007-10-15 |
Added weights and photos of
Added photos of Albert,
Bianca and
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Doris approx 6 months
old, S*Sunnygirl's Claes and
Charles approx. 8 months old,
S*Shi’Kahr’s Kapten Kirk approx.
10 months old, S*Skogsälvans Lavendel,
S*Skogsälvans Lina Lo and
S*Sunnygirl's Bruce approx. 1,5 years old. |
2007-10-08 |
Show results from Östkattens show in
Nyköping for Cajza,
Sunnyboy, Daisy and Claes.
Added weights at 6 weeks for E-litter. |
2007-10-05 |
Sunnyboy HCM-tested
on October 2 with status Normal.
Added 5 week photos of E-litter, both individual
and in groups.
Added photos of David and
Bertha. |
2007-10-01 |
Added weights at 4 and 5 weeks for
Added photos of E-litter ,
David and some group photos of our cats.
S*Sunnygirl's Daisy participated at Fräsets
show in Rasbo on Sunday September 30. |
2007-06-20 |
Updated Plans.
Added some group photos of E-litter. |
2007-09-16 |
Added new photos of
Added photos of Bertha,
Charles and
David. |
2007-09-14 |
Added weights at 3 weeks for E-litter. |
2007-09-13 |
Added new photos of
E-litter, both group photos and individual
photos. |
2007-09-07 |
Added new individual and group photos of
E-litter. Added weights at 2 weeks for E-litter.
Added photos of Janeway from Sunnyboy's litter with
DK*Lille Persille Felis Jubatus. |
2007-09-04 |
Added some individual photos of
E-litter. |
2007-09-03 |
Added some photos of
E-litter. |
2007-08-31 |
Named the kittens in the
E-litter. Created individual pages for each one
of the kittens and added individual photos. Added weights.
Added photos of Bertha and Charles in Group Photos. |
2007-08-27 |
Made the first guess of the sex for the
kittens in the E-litter. |
2007-08-26 |
Added some photos of
E-litter. |
2007-08-25 |
S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl got her fist
litter, added pictures of litter and of Sunnygirl. Added photos of Sunnygirl
as a kitten. |
2007-08-22 |
S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza and Carmen are 3
years old on 2007-08-23! |
2007-08-20 |
Results from Kattklubben Klösets show in
Heby Sunday 19 2007 for Carmen,
Daisy, David and
Sunnyboy. |
2007-08-18 |
Sunnygirl is expecting kittens, see more
under Plans.
We have visited Sunnyboy's offspring at S*Robotorpets, see
photos from the visit.
New photos in group gallery and of
Charles, David
and a pregnant Sunnygirl. |
2007-08-12 |
Added photos of Albert, Bianca,
Cajza, Carmen, Carl, Charles, David, Sunnyboy and into group photo page.
2007-08-07 |
Added photos of Carl, Charles, David and
some of the other grown up cats.
Carl and Charles now stays in our cattery so we have added own pages for
them among the cats in our cattery. This has lead to some rearrangement of
the pages for our cats. |
2007-08-05 |
Show results from Mälarkatten's show in
Arboga on August 4, 2007 |
2007-07-31 |
Show results from Järva Kattklubb's show
at Hanvedens IP on July 28, 2007 |
2007-07-24 |
Added names of kittens in S*Robotorpets
litter. Included link to S*Robotorpets in link page. |
2007-07-20 |
Added photo of S*Robotorpets litter that
Sunnyboy is the father to. |
2007-07-15 |
S*Sunnyboy's litter with S*Glömstaskogens
Electra af Affe was born on June 14, 2007.
Show results from Speedcat's show in Järna on Juni 14, 2007. |
2007-07-08 |
Added photos of David, Carl, Charles,
Bianca, Bertha, Albert, Cajza, Sunnyboy and Sunnygirl.
Added info on Sunnyboy's offsprings and links to where they lives. |
2007-06-30 |
S*Sunnygirl's Doris has moved to her new
home. |
2007-06-24 |
S*Sunnygirl's Daniel and Dagmar have moved to their new
Doris and David no longer booked due to sickness at their intended owners.
Updated with show
results from Uppsala Kattklubb's show on June 17.
Updated weights for our grown up cats. Updated weights
for the D-litter.
Updated with new photos of C- and D-litter and also some other cats. |
2007-06-04 |
Added photos of C- and D-litter. Added
photos of Carmen and Sunnyboy.
Doris booked. Daisy has moved. |
2007-05-30 |
Updated weights for C-and D-litter.
Added photos of C- and D-litter and some of the other cats. |
2007-05-21 |
Clary has moved to Uppsala. |
2007-05-20 |
Dagmar booked.
Updated with show results from Perserkattens show on May 19th. |
2007-05-18 |
Updated weights for C-litter.
Added photos of C- and D-litter and some of the other cats. |
2007-05-17 |
Added photos of C- and D-litter.
Updated weights of D-litter.
Added photo of S*Skogsälvan's Lina Lo. |
2007-05-14 |
S*Sunnygirl's Claes has moved to
S*Kukkudrilla's. |
2007-05-13 |
Added photos of S*Skogsälvan's Loa
Lotass. |
2007-05-10 |
Added photos of C- and D-litter.
Updated weights for C-litter.
Added photos of Albert, Bertha, Sunnyboy and Sunnygirl.
Added photos of S*Skogsälvan's Linblomma.
Updated with show results from Top Cat Club 2007-05-05. |
2007-05-08 |
Added photos of C- and D-litter.
Updated weights for C- and D-litter.
Added photos of some of grown up cats. |
2007-05-02 |
Clary booked.
Added photos of both litters and Sunnygirl.
Updated weights for both litters. |
2007-04-27 |
Updated weights for both litters.
Added photos of both litters.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Albert and S*Sunnygirl's Bertha.
Added show results from Västerås Kattklubb's show on April 22, 2007.
Added info about S*Sunnygirl's Arthur's first litter.
Daniel and Claes booked. |
2007-04-17 |
Inserted link to the owners of
S*Sunnygirl's Arthur on our link page. |
2007-04-16 |
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Arthur from
Charlotte Martinsson and photos of the C-litter from Mikaela Blank from her
visit March 17. |
2007-04-15 |
Updated weights for both litters. Finally
added photos for several weeks for both C- and D-litter. |
2007-04-09 |
Updated with show results from
Skogkattklubben Birkas show on April 7, 2007. |
2007-04-06 |
Updated weights for the C-and D-litter.
Interest shown for S*Sunnygirl's Claes. |
2007-04-01 |
Updated weights for the C- and D-litter.
Inserted photos from my visit to Tassemarkens on March 17, 2007 under
Peggy Sue's litter.
Added photos of C- and D-litter and even more photos will soon come |
2007-03-14 |
Updated weights for the
Added photos of the C-litter. |
2007-03-13 |
Updated weights for the
Added new group photos of some of our cats.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Anthonia from my
visit in her home today. |
2007-03-09 |
Updated weights for
C- and D-litters.
Added photos of S*Skogsälvans Linblomma on page for
Sunnyboy's litter with Shalimar.
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Arthur from his
Added photos of C- and D-litters. |
2007-03-01 |
Our D-litter was born 2007-02-27. Added pages for
them and photos.
Added photos and weights of the C-litter.
Added photos of S*Skogsälvans Loa Lotass on Sunnyboy's offspring page for
Shalimars litter. |
2007-02-25 |
Added photos of the C-litter, Carmen,
Bertha, Albert and Sunnyboy |
2007-02-24 |
Added photos of C-litter, Cajza and
Bertha |
2007-02-21 |
Updated with weights of C-litter at 2
weeks of age. |
2007-02-19 |
Inserted the names of the kittens in
Tassemarkens Peggy Sue's litter. |
2007-02-17 |
Added photos on C-litter, Bertha, Cajza,
Carmen, Sunnyboy and Sunnygirl. |
2007-02-14 |
Added weights and photos of the C-litter. |
2007-02-13 |
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Arthur.
Added photos of the C-litter and most of the other cars living at
S*Sunnygirl's. |
2007-02-11 |
Added photos of the C-litter, Cajza,
Sunnyboy and Bertha.
Added photos of S*Skogsälvans Lavendel on
Sunnyboy's page for Shalimars litter. |
2007-02-08 |
Added names to kitten in C-litter. |
2007-02-07 |
Added pages about our C-litter that
was born on February 6, 2007. |
2007-02-05 |
Added a page for Peggy Sues litter under
Sunnyboys offspring and added photos of Peggy Sues litter.
Added photos of S*Skogsälvans Lindblomma. |
2007-02-03 |
Added photos of an expecting Cajza and
also a few of Carmen, Albert and Bertha.
Updated weights and colour code of Bianca. |
2007-02-01 |
Sunnyboy's kittens with Tassemarkens
Peggy Sue was born on January 30, 2007. |
2007-01-28 |
Added photos of S*Sunnygirl's Arthur on
his page under Litters.
Added photos of S*Skogsälvans Loa Lotass on the Shalimar Litter page under
Sunnyboys Offspring.
Added photos of S*Sjöhorvans Carmen on her photo page. |
2007-01-23 |
are now very sure that Cajza is expecting kittens.
Added photos of most of our cats.
Added page and photos of Shi' Kahr's litter in Sunnyboy's offspring's
Added photos of S*Skogsälvans Loa Lotass and S*Skogsälvans Lavendel in
Sunnyboy's offspring area. |
2007-01-09 |
Inserted new picture of kittens at Shi Kahrs.
Inserted links to Dingduvans and Minilomidas on the link page. |
2006-12-18 |
Sunnyboy's kittens with IC DK*Lille
Persille Felis Jubatus born on December 17th. |
2006-12-11 |
Updated with results from Adelkatten's
show 2006-12-10 in Dal, Norway. |
2006-12-09 |
Updated with results from Adelkatten's
show 2006-12-09 in Dal, Norway. |
2006-12-08 |
Best wishes on A-litters first birthday! |
2006-12-07 |
S*Sjöhorvan's Clara got 6 kittens. |
2006-11-25 |
Switched the last pages of text into
English. |
2006-11-24 |
Switched most of the text to English in
order for our non Swedish speaking friends and US relatives to be able
follow us. |
2006-11-15 |
Updated with new photos of Sunnyboy, Carmen, Albert,
Bertha and Bianca. |
2006-11-14 |
Updated the pages with Sunnyboy's, Cajza's
and Carmen's offspring. |
2006-11-13 |
Added show results from Stockholms Kattklubb's
show 2006-11-11 |
2006-11-10 |
We have received permit according to §16
animal protection law to breed and sell three or more cats per year.
Sunnyboy has been visited by IC DK*Lille Persille Felis Jubatus. |
2006-11-05 |
Added a photo of S*Sunnygirl's Anthonia
where she is approx. 7,5 months old. |
2006-10-12 - 15 |
Added photos of the cats. Established the
page for group photos. |
2006-10-10 |
Updated plans and added Sunnygirl's
tests. |
2006-09-28 |
All 4 grown up cats HCM-tested, all with
normal status. |
2006-09-19 |
Updated with show results for Sunnyboy's
litter with S*Skogsälvans
Shalimar. Albert neutered. Updated titles all over the site. |
2006-09-04 |
Updated with show results from TERAKs
show in Porsgrunn, Norway during the weekend September 2 - 3, 2006. |
2006-08-20 |
Updated with show results from City Cat Club's
show 2006-08-19. Moved older index-page news to the page Old News. |
2006-08-07 |
Updated with show results from Art DeCo's
show 2006-08-06. |
2006-07-31 |
Added photos of all the cats. |
2006-07-28 |
Added links to S*Cazmirau's and S*Utblickens. |
2006-07-16 |
Updated with show results from Järva Kattklubb's
2006-07-16. |
2006-07-15 |
Added photos of Augusta from the A-litter
from her new home. |
2006-07-13 |
Updated with photo of Arthur in the
A-litter from his new home. Added photos of our country home. |
2006-07-12 |
Updated with new photos of the cats. |
2006-07-05 |
Updated weights, especially for the
younger cats. |
2006-07-01 |
Updated with show results from Alfakatten's
show 2006-07-01. |
2006-06-25 |
Updated with new photos of all the cats.
2006-06-19 |
Updated with show results from Hamar in
Norway during the weekend of 17th and 18th of June.
Updated with new photos of the older cats. |
2006-06-12 |
Separated Cajza's photos into several
pages to improve loading time. |
2006-06-11 |
Separated Carmen's photos into several
pages to improve loading time. |
2006-06-09 |
Separated Sunnyboys photos into several
pages to improve loading time. Aded photos of S*Skogsälvans litter. |
2006-06-06 |
Separated Sunnygirl's photos into several
pages to improve loading time. |
2006-06-05 |
Updated with new photos of the B-litter
and Albert. Established new pages for Albert, Bertha and Bianca. |
2006-05-25 |
Updated wit show results from Perserkatten's
show 2006-05-21.
S*Skogsälvans Shalimar has given birth to 4 kittens, proud father is
The kittens have moved. Added weights for the B-litter. |
2006-05-17 |
Added new photos of the B-litter. |
2006-05-16 |
Updated with show results from Skogkattklubben Birkas
show 2006-05-06.
Blacky booked. Updated weights for the B-litter. Started to add new photos
of the B-litter and of Albert.
Due to a lot of work I have not been able to update the site as frequently
during April - May. |
2006-04-30 |
Buster booked. |
2006-04-29 |
Interest shown for Blacky. Added new
weights for the B-litter. |
2006-04-16 |
Updated with new weights and photos of
the B-litter and Albert. |
2006-04-11 |
Updated colour codes for the B-litter and
for Sunnyboy. Added new weights for the B-litter. |
2006-04-04 |
Updated with new photos of the B-litter
and of Albert from the A-litter. |
2006-04-02 |
Updated with new weights of the B-litter |
2006-03-26 |
Sunnyboy has visited S*Skogsälvans Shalimar.
Bruce booked. Added new weights of the B-litter. |
2006-03-25 |
Updated with new photos of the A- and
B-litter. |
2006-03-23 |
Interest shown for Bruce. |
2006-03-19 |
Augusta has moved. |
2006-03-18 |
Updated weights for the litters. New
photos of the A- and B-litters. |
2006-03-12 |
Arthur and Anthonia have moved. Updated
weights for the litters. New photos of the A- and B-litters. |
2006-03-07 |
Updated the colour codes for the
B-litter. |
2006-03-04 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter. |
2006-03-03 |
Anthonia booked. |
2006-03-02 |
Updated with new photos of the A- and
B-litter. |
2006-03-01 |
Arthur booked. Updates some weights.
2006-02-27 |
Interest shown for Arthur. |
2006-02-22 |
Updated weights for the A-litter. |
2006-02-16 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter,
B-litter and Sunnyboy. Updated the colour coding for the B-litter. |
2006-02-15 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter,
B-litter and the grown up cats. Created own pages for the individuals in the
B-litter. |
2006-02-13 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter. |
2006-02-12 |
Updated wit info about that the B-litter
is born. Updated Plans. |
2006-01-29 |
Updated with that Carmen is expecting.
Updated with new photos of the A-litter. New weights for the A-litter. |
2006-01-25 |
Updated with new group photo of the
litter on the index page. |
2006-01-20 |
Updated with that S*Sunnygirl's Augusta
is booked. Updated with new photos of the A-litter. |
2006-01-16 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter. |
2006-01-12 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter. |
2006-01-06 |
Updated the EMS-codes for the A-litter. |
2006-01-05 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter. |
2006-01-01 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter. |
2005-12-30 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter
and separated photos into a separate page. |
2005-12-26 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter. |
2005-12-18 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter. |
2005-12-15 |
Updated with new photos of the A-litter
and of the grown up cats. |
2005-12-13 |
Updated with info about our A-litter. |
2005-12-12 |
Updated with the birth of our first
litter (S*Sunnygirl's A-litter) on the 9th of December, 2005. |
2005-11-28 |
Updated with new photos of the cats. |
2005-11-06 |
Updated with show results for Carmen, Sunnyboy
Sunnygirl from Stockholms
Kattklubb's show in Solna Business Park |
2005-11-05 |
Updated with show results for Carmen, Sunnyboy
Sunnygirl from Stockholms
Kattklubb's show in Solna Business Park |
2005-11-01 |
Updated with that Cajza is expecting.
Added info about the expected litter. |
2005-10-29 |
Updated with the colour change of Sunnyboy
to NFO n 09 22,
he is no longer registered as silver. |
2005-10-16 |
Updated with show results for Sunnyboy
Sunnygirl from Östkatten's show in Norrköping. Sunnygirl became Champion sand
got her first CACIB and Sunnyboy was colour changed again. Now I need to
decide how I should register him. |
2005-10-05 |
Updated plans with that both Cajza and
Carmen are in heat and Sunnyboy mating with them. |
2005-10-02 |
Updated with new photos on the photo
pages. Reduced the size of the older photos to improve loading time. |
2005-09-28 |
Updated with results of HCM-test of all 4
cats. All are normal. |
2005-09-24 |
Updated with photos of Carmen. |
2005-09-24 |
Updated with photos of Cajza. |
2005-09-21 |
Updated with photos of Sunnygirl. |
2005-09-20 |
Updated with photos of Sunnyboy. |
2005-09-15 |
Updated under Plans. |
2005-09-03 |
Updated with the results from Mellansvenska
Kattklubben's show in Eskilstuna 2005-09-03. Carmen became Champion. |
2005-08-30 |
Fixed some faulty photos, added
information about our next show; Mellansvenska kattklubben 2005-09-03 |
2005-08-21 |
First publishing of the site. |