S*Sunnygirl's Cattery


S*Sunnygirl's Ida


S*Sunnygirl's Ida was born 2010-08-10  at 17:33.
EMS-Colour-code: NFO a(s) (22).
Colour codes and sex may change as she grows up.
Ida is named after an ancestor to me on my fathers side.

Weight development:

Week: At birth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Weight in gram: 78 146 244 337 375 481 568 721 765 817 895 1113 1315 1403 1490 1630
You find our latest photos at the top. Click on the thumbnail photo to see a larger version. Use your web-readers "back"-button to get back to this page.
Week 15
Day 105 - 111:
Week 13
Day 91 - 97:
    Ida with halfbrother Hugo
Ida with halfbrother Hugo Ida with halfbrother Hugo
Ida with halfbrother Hugo Ida with halfbrother Hugo Ida anher half brother Hugo
Week 12
Day 84 - 90:
Week 10
Day 70 - 76:
Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida
Carmen, Hugo, Elin and Ida
Ida and Sunnygirl
Ida and Sunnygirl
Week 8
Day 56 - 62:
    Emilia with Hugo and Ida
Emilia with Hugo and Ida
Ida with her mother Emilia Hugo and Ida
Hugo and Ida
Week 7
Day 49 - 55:
      Hugo and Ida
Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida
Ida and Hugo Ida and Hugo Ida and Hugo
Ida and Hugo Ida and Hugo Ida and Hugo Ida and Hugo Ida and Hugo
Week 6
Day 42 - 48:
    Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida
Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida
Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida
Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida Hugo and Ida
Week 5
Day 35 - 41:
Week 4
Day 28 - 34:
Ida and Hugo playing Ida asnd Hugo playing Ida and Hugo playing Ida and Hugo playing Ida and Hugo playing
Week 3
Day 21 - 27:
Ida with S*Sunnygirl's David Ida with S*Sunnygirl's David Ida with S*Sunnygirl's David
Week 2
Day 14 - 20:
Week 0
Day 0 - 6: