S*Sunnygirl's Cattery


CH S*Sunnygirl's Claes


S*Sunnygirl's Claes was born 2007-02-07  at 05:48
EMS-Colour-code: NFO a 09.
Claes is named after a relative on my fathers side.

Cat Shows:

Cat Club:







City Cat Club Vallentuna IP 2008-07-26 9 2 Dorte Kaae, DK Champion
CAC (of 1)

Järva Kattklubb Hanvedens IP, Haninge 2008-08-13 9 2 Maud Olsen Johansson, SE CAC (of 1)
Speedcat Pinbackshallen Märsta 2008-05-10 9 2 Alexey Shchukin, NL Ex (of 5)
Perserkatten Hanvedens IP Haninge 2008-04-26 9 2 Marie Westerlund, SE Ex5 (of 6)
Stockholms Kattklubb SL Hallen, Rissne 2008-03-22 9 2 Maud Olsen Johansson, SE CAC
Järva Kattklubb Skogås Racketthall 2008-02-03 9 2 Britt-Maria Johansson, SE Ex3 (of 6)
Östkatten Nyköping 2007-10-06 11 2 Maud Olsen, SE Ex1 (of 2), BIV
Speedcat Järna Ishall 2007-07-14 12 2 Raymond A Saetre, N Ex1 (of 1)


Vilundaparkens Ishall, Upplands Väsby




Aase Nissen, DK

Ex4 (of 6)
Same group as Charles

Weight development:

Week: At birth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13  
Weight in gram: 126 250 386 465 528 607 747 888 972 1149 1315 1542 1726 1899  
Photos on more than one kitten can be found under Photos C-Litter.
You find our latest photos at the top. Click on the thumbnail photo to see a larger version. Use your web-readers "back"-button to get back to this page.

Claes has now moved to his new home. You can follow his development at Kukkudrilla's site. 
S*Kukkudrilla's Norska skogkatter

From my visit in November 2009:    
Photos from my visit
Photos from Järva Kattklubb's show
Photos from my visit
Photos from my visit
Photo from Stockholms Kattklubb's show on 2008-03-22
Photo borrowed from S*Kukkurdrilla's
Photos from my visit on December 23, 2007.
Photos from my visit in early December 2007.      
8 months
Week 13
Day 91 - 97:
(in his new home)
Week 12
Day 84 - 90:
  Claes and Dagmar Claes and Dagmar Claes and Dagmar Claes and Dagmar
  Claes with David
Week 11
Day 77 - 83:
Week 10
Day 70 - 76:
Week 9
Day 63 - 69:
Week 8
Day 56 - 62:
Week 7
Day 49 - 55:
Week 6
Day 42 - 48:
Week 5
Day 35 - 41:


Week 4
Day 28 - 34:
Week 3
Day 21 - 27:




Bertha with Claes
Week 2
Day 14 - 20:


Week 1
Day 7 - 13:
Week 0
Day 0 - 6: