S*Sunnygirl's Cattery


S*Sunnygirl's Greta


S*Sunnygirl's Greta was born 2009-06-12  at 00:16 and died at approx. 11:30 on 2009-06-15.
EMS-Colour-code: NFO a22.
Colour codes and sex may change as she grows up.
Greta is named after an ancestor to me on my mothers side.

Greta was suddenly found almost dead lying among the other kittens on Monday June 15, only 3 days old. We rushed to our veterinary clinic and the veterinary concluded that Greta could not be saved, she was already dead when we reached the clinic. No obvious cause could be found on her so we had her sent for an autopsy. Preliminary results from the autopsy said that she had had a sudden trauma causing severe internal damages. Most likely her mother had, by mistake, stepped hard on her when she has rushed out of her litterbox to chase some other cat away from from the proximity of the litterbox.

Weight development

Week: At birth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Weight in gram: 143                              
Photos on more than one kitten can be found under Photos G-Litter.
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Week 0
Day 0 - 6: