Albert is really fond of treats. He will rush to you
as soon as you get anywhere close to the jar with treats. He can hear this
even if he is far away. Albert also likes to nurse, first he nursed from his
mother Cajza and when she no longer accepted that he went to Cajza's sister
Carmen who had younger kittens. Carmen willingly accepted him and he was the
last one that she turned away. Since Carmen no longer accepts him nursing Albert tries on and off to nurse
on Sunnygirl, who really don't understand what he does but most of the time
she allows it.Albert is a bit reserved. Before he
really involves wholeheartedly in play or otherwise he wants to check that
there are no threats around. He loves to play especially with the laser
pointer. He waits patiently in the evenings until we bring the laser pointer
out and he will run after the red dot until he can no longer breathe.

Albert admires his father Sunnyboy enormously. He wants
to spend most of his time together with his father and follows him whenever
he can. If he can Albert also likes to sleep close to Sunnyboy. So far
Sunnyboy accepts that but he is busy with a cat lady he gets a bit
embarrassed about being studied by his son.
In some way Albert understands that he is not as old as
Sunnyboy, Sunnygirl, Carmen and Cajza. He also realizes that he is not as
young as Bertha and Bianca. He loves to play with all of the cats but takes
extra care when he plays with the younger ones. Albert has great love for
all cats in the cattery, he will not miss an opportunity to get close and
cuddle with another cat and all cats seem to enjoy to be close to him. After
he was neutered even his mother now again allows him to get close and
When Albert was about 7 months old his father, Sunnyboy,
noted that Albert was becoming a male. This lead to that Sunnyboy started to
mark his territory. They were still good friends but Sunnyboy stated that he
was the male in the cattery. To avoid these markings and avoid unwanted
pregnancies I finally decided to neuter Albert. Albert became a neuter on
September 6, 2006. All went well and Albert has after this become much less
reserved to people. All other cats he still loves just as before.