S*Sunnygirl's Cattery


Our Neuters


We currently have the following neutered cats living with us:

bulletIP EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy who moved to us in September 2004 together with his sister GIP IC S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl. Sunnyboy was neutered on December 20, 2007.
bulletSP IC S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl who moved to us in September 2004 together with her brother  IP EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy.
bulletS*Sunnygirl's Albert was born in in our cattery in December 2005. Albert is son to our IP EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy and our GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza from our A-litter. Albert was neutered on September 6, 2006.
bulletCH S*Sunnygirl's Bertha who was born in our cattery in February 2005 (together with her sister Bianca). Bertha is daughter to our IP EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy and our GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen from our B-litter.
bulletS*Sunnygirl's Bianca who was born in our cattery in February 2005 (together with her sister Bertha). Bianca is daughter to our IP EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy and our GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen from our B-litter.
bulletIP CH S*Sunnygirl's Carl who was born in our cattery in February 2007 (together with his brother Charles). Carl is son to our EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy and our GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza from our C-litter. Carl was neutered on May 12, 2008
bulletS*Sunnygirl's Charles who was born in our cattery in February 2007 (together with his brother Carl). Charles is son to our IP EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy and our GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Cajza from our C-litter. Charles was neutered on December 20, 2007.
bulletPR S*Sunnygirl's David was born in our cattery in February 2007. David is son to our IP EC S*Ulabrands Sunnyboy and our GIC S*Sjöhorvan's Carmen from our D-litter. David was neutered on October 22, 2007.
bulletIC S*Sunnygirl's Elin who was born in our cattery in August 2007 (together with her brother Enzo and sister Emillia). Elin is daughter to our GIP IC S*Ulabrands Sunnygirl and EC S*Mighty Claws Garion.

For more information about our neuters please see each cats own pages.