S*Sunnygirl's Cattery


S*Sunnygirl's Charles


S*Sunnygirl's Charles was born 2007-02-06  at 22:36.
EMS-Colour-code: NFO a 01.
Charles is named after a person in the American branch of the Sandberg family.

You can read more about Charles on his pages in the area of cats in our cattery >>

Cat Shows:

Cat Club:








Vilundaparkens Ishall, Upplands Väsby




Aase Nissen, DK

Ex3 (of 6)
Same group as Claes

Weight development:

Week: At birth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Weight in gram: 121 222 340 424 440 488 570 663 732 907 1061 1216 1352 1538 1729 1837 2029
Photos on more than one kitten can be found under Photos C-Litter.
You find our latest photos at the top. Click on the thumbnail photo to see a larger version. Use your web-readers "back"-button to get back to this page.
Week 12
Day 84 - 90:
Week 11
Day 77 - 83:
  Charles with Bertha Bertha helps with the cleaning Bertha helps cleaning
Week 10
Day 70 - 76:
Week 9
Day 63 - 69:
Week 8
Day 56 - 62:
Week 7
Day 49 - 55:
  Charles with mother Cajza Charles with mother Cajza in background
  Charles with mother Cajza in background
Week 6
Day 42 - 48:
Week 5
Day 35 - 41:


      Charles with younger halfbrother David
  Charles with aunt Carmen Charles with aunt Carmen Charles with half sister and cousin Bertha
Photo from Mikaela Blank's visit. Thank you for allowing me to use them.      
Week 4
Day 28 - 34:
Week 3
Day 21 - 27:


Week 2
Day 14 - 20:


Week 1
Day 7 - 13:


Week 0
Day 0 - 6: