I do not sell any cats without a personal contact. If
you are interested in buying a cat from S*Sunnygirl's please contact me by
e-mail or phone. We will then arrange for a meeting.
From you who buys a cat
S*Sunnygirl's I wish:
That the cat gets a good home that suits its
personality and where it gets a lot of love, interest, time and good care.
That the cat is always insured for veterinary care.
That the cat is vaccinated yearly against felint
panleukopenivirus (parvovirus) (kattpest) and felint herpesvirus (kattsnuva).
That the cat always get veterinary care when it is
sick or injured.
That the cat is neutered when it becomes fertile if
it is not going to be used in breeding.
That the cat is not left outside without constant
supervision (very important before the cat is neutered).
That S*Sunnygirl's is kept informed about the
developments of the cat and its health status.
The cat will not be sold without a personal visit to the cats intended
new home.
When you buy a cat from S*Sunnygirl's
you get:
A cat that is vaccinated two times against felint
panleukopenivirus (parvovirus) (kattpest) and felint herpesvirus (kattsnuva).
A cat that is de-wormed at least 2 times.
A cat that is registered at SVERAK and has a
pedigree that follows with the cat.
A cat that is identity marked with a chip.
A cat that is veterinary inspected and has a health
certificate that is a maximum one week old.
A cat that is insured against hidden faults (dolda
fel) in Sveland for three years.
A cat with a sales agreement according to SVERAKs
template ”Överlåtelse av katt”
A cat that is at least 13 weeks old.
A cat that has learnt how to use the cat toilet (at
least at my place)
A cat breeder that is very interested in getting
informed about the developments of the cat and what it get to experience
during its life.
A cat breeder that is willing to support the cat
buyer during the cats lifetime.