name is Britt Sandberg and I am the owner of S*Sunnygirl's Cattery.
The cats in S*Sunnygirl's cattery are mainly my friends
and family. The cats can move freely around in my home and in the cat
garden. The cats are full family members and participates in most of the
things that I do when I am home.
My cats and breeding of Norwegian Forest Cats is one
of my hobbies. My ambition as a breeder is to in a small scale breed for
healthy and social Norwegian Forest Cats.
live in a fairly large detached house in Hässelby Villastad, one of the
suburbs of Stockholm. The house is located on a hillside so we have a good
view of the surroundings. Over time the house has been more and more
adjusted to suit also the cats. Among other things the cats now have a
fairly large cat-garden located on our lower balcony. There they can feel
the different seasons and weather conditions. As we have a cat-door in one
of the windows the cats can freely go out and back in from the cat-garden. I
don't want my cats to be outdoors uncontrolled as I had a very bad
experience from my earlier housecat, Findus, who got deadly hurt by
something outdoors.
We also have
a country house, located on the waterfront in Stockholm's archipelago in the
Fågelbro area of Värmdö. We spend in average every other weekend there
and we go there during all seasons. My father comes with us there most of
times, he is
now over 90 years old. Also our country house have been adjusted to the
cats. We have fenced in the patio so the cats can spend time outdoors. They
enjoy to sit on the patio and look at the wildlife that passes and also the
boats that pass on the waterfront. We are frequently passed by birds,
squirrels, foxes, badgers, deers, .. .
My father,
Gunnar, has also a house in Hässelby. The cats sometimes go there to visit
with me. My mother, Karin, lives in a special home for people with memory
problems as she now has a severe form of Alzheimer's disease. As my mother
has always been very fond of animals and still finds it positive to meet
with animals I frequently bring one or several cats with me when I go and
visit her. It is always a big success when I bring cats both for the people
living there and for the staff. In general my cats travel by car fairly
frequently, they are not enthusiastic about the drive but they always enjoy
to visit other places outside our home.
To be a cat breeder has not been a since long planned
activity but a rather quick development of my interest for animals. Most of
my professional life I have spent travelling or living abroad for short or
long periods. This kind of life does not go well together with having
animals. Due to my mothers health problems I moved back to Sweden in late
1998 but still had a position that involved a lot of travel. As my
parents needed more support and I thus needed to be home more I started my
own business in early 2002 to be able to control my time better and not
spend so much time travelling. Luckily this meant that as I no longer
travelled a lot I now had the possibility to have pets, at least cats.
Initially my neighbour's cat, Findus, moved in with me (they asked me to
take care of her). She had been visiting frequently since the early 90ths so
we knew each other well. In September 2004 she was badly hurt and there was
no way to save her life. I missed her a lot but I soon decided to get new
cat friends.
This time I had decided to have my cats indoors. I
wanted two cats in order for them to have company of each other when I was
not home. Due to my business I spend most of the days and some long evenings
away from home. To be able to grow well together I wanted my new friends as
kittens. In my search for the best breed of cats for me I fell for the breed
Norwegian Forest Cat.

my search for suitable cats I saw some photos of the litter from S*Ulabrands
that were soon ready for delivery. I fell immediately in love with the photo
of the quite Sunnygirl. This kitten made a deep impression in my heart and I
really wanted to own her. She had a brother called Sunnyboy and he also
looked very nice, but I had my mind set on two females as that would be
easier to handle. I contacted Mona at S*Ulabrands but soon learned that
Sunnygirl was already booked. I continued my search and as I have always
been attracted to black cats I fell for the kittens at S*Sjöhorvan's where
there was one black female kitten. The kittens from S*Sjöhorvan's were far
from ready for delivery but I anyhow contacted Kattis at S*Sjöhorvan's.
All of a sudden I get contacted by Mona from S*Ulabrands
and now Sunnygirl has become available. I decided immediately that Sunnygirl
and Sunnyboy would be my new friends. During the next weekend I drove to Helsingborg
and back again to bring my new friends home, it was a big day for all of us.
Both of them managed the long drive with me (a stranger to them) very well.
This was in September 2004. Since then we have got to know each other very
well, we have a wonderful relationship. Both Sunnygirl and Sunnyboy have
developed very well but they are definitely two very different individuals.
Read more about them on them on their individual pages.
As I had started
the dialogue with Kattis at S*Sjöhorvan's we decided to meet and look at
their kittens without any commitments. Carmen was a wonderful black little
kitten, just as I had dreamt of. Her sister Cajza was a real personality
that was just charming. When I left I really had something to think about. I
did have good experiences of having two cats from the same litter. This time
the decision took longer but after Kattis also had visited us I finally
decided that I also wanted Cajza and Carmen to be included in my cat family.
To have 4 cats should not be much more difficult than having 2. It might
actually be better for the cats as there were more possibilities for them to
enjoy someone's company. Kattis delivered Cajza and Carmen to us in
November 2004. It worked out very well. All 4 cats are about the same age,
only 2 months difference. They enjoy each other very much and are all great
friends of mine. Each cat has its own personality. Read more about each of
them on their own pages.
I am very happy with my decision to get 4 cats quite
rapidly. As they are so equal in age and all have a nice temperament
they have grown together as a family very nicely. I have a fantastic
cat-family living with me.
Both breeders were interested in that I at least
participated once in a cat-show to get some judgement on the cats. In
December 2004 I participated in my first cat-show with all 4 kittens. This
was Skogkattklubben Birka's show in Viksjö, fairly close to our home. It
went better than we thought. Since then I and my cats have participated in
many more shows. Often we have more than one cat
participating. Of the initial 4 cats, that are now grown up cats, all of
them have taken certificates and titles. To exhibit the cats at shows is not
a necessity for me, we will only do that as long as the cats accepts it.
During late spring 2005 I started to think about that
I had an unique opportunity with two cat-ladies (Cajza and Carmen) and an
unrelated male (Sunnyboy). Further studies of their background and other
aspects lead to that they complemented each other very well.
prepare for eventual litters I started investigate what it took to be a
registered breeder in SVERAK. I needed to find a name for my cattery. I
thought that it could be a nice idea to name it after the Norwegian Forest
Cat that I first fell in love with, Sunnygirl. The association of the name
leads my mind to a happy and kind girl. I applied for the cattery name
S*Sunnygirl's and it was granted to us in June 2005.
In October 2005 Sunnyboy mated with Cajza and in
December 2005 our first litter (A-litter) arrived, 4 wonderful kittens. In
December 2005 Sunnyboy mated with Carmen and in February our second litter
(B-litter) arrived, 5 wonderful kittens. See the litters on their own pages
>>. Now we had become cat-breeders.
The development from a normal cat owner to a cat
breeder with the house almost full of cats has gone fast, in just over a
year. When my cats have had kittens I have had to keep some that have been
special to me. But there is a limit on how many cats you can have, each one
needs its dedicated time.
Before we neuter Sunnyboy I want Cajza,
Carmen and Sunnyboy to have a second chance to get kittens. It is also
necessary for Sunnygirl to get kittens soon if she ever is going to have
any. If we are lucky we can thus end up with 3 litters during a fairly short
time. I order to prepare for this we have according to §16 in the Animal
Protection Law applied for a permit to breed and sell three or more litters
per year. 2006-10-16 it was granted to us by Stockholms Stads Miljö-
och Hälsoskyddsnämnd. We have also permission to have more than 10 cats
living with us. The permits are now valid until 2010-07-25.